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The future of Perfect Store

Discover insight from industry leaders into the next evolution of Perfect Store, highlighting cutting-edge technologies and strategies to help consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands continuously drive growth and become more agile and resilient in the midst of an ever-changing retail landscape.

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Summit Latin America – Trax & Kraft Heinz Session

In the following video, we share the strategies and challenges presented by Trax and Kraft Heinz at the Summit Latin America 2024.

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High Performance Approach to Reaching the Fleeting Customer

The session underscored the necessity for consumer retail marketers to adopt a high-performance approach that combines data-driven insights, personalized experiences, and agile strategies to effectively engage the fleeting customer.

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Unlock the Data needed to drive in-store execution

This informative session underscored the critical role of real-time, actionable data in transforming retail operations, improving customer experiences, and ultimately driving sales.

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Video Lana Klein, Partner at Boston Consulting Group

Reimagining Product Innovation

’Reimagining Product Innovation’ sesion concluded with key takeaways on the pivotal role of innovation, strategic insights from Boston Consulting Group, and the revolutionary effects of Gen AI on the future of product innovation. It emphasized the importance for businesses to adapt and adopt innovative methods for sustained competitiveness and success.

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Generative AI in CPG

This session, held at Trax Connect, effectively underscored the significant influence of Generative AI on the CPG industry, highlighting its role in driving product innovation and reimagining how businesses engage with consumers, alongside offering strategies for championing AI technologies within various organizations.

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I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for a Great Customer Experience: Wells’ Creative Approach to Standout in a Crowded Category

Check out this virtual presentation with Shopkick and our client, Wells Enterprises, owner of Blue Bunny, Halo Top, Bomb Pop and more! In this session, Wells Enterprises explains how they use engaging, outside-the-box campaigns to excite consumers about their products.

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