
Winning the online grocery race

COVID-19 has significantly changed shopper behavior. By current projections, online grocery sales will hit 21.5% of the estimated annual total of US grocery sales of $1,164 billion in 2025.

Retailers who were experimenting with online sales in the pre-COVID era had to scale by any means possible to meet growing demand. Often, these means were neither profitable for retailers nor satisfactory for customers. But there are now solutions for both these problems.

This whitepaper, containing research commissioned by Trax in partnership with Google Cloud Platform, explains how grocers can better fulfill orders and meet their customers’ expectations with the right technology. Download it to:

  • Find out how to solve the profitability challenge
  • Find out how to win customer satisfaction
  • What dissatisfactions arise due to product unavailability
  • Why product substitution may not be the best alternative
  • How the Trax and Google Cloud Platform partnership solves online grocery fulfillment challenges

Winning the online grocery race: How retailers can delight customers and stay profitable

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