
Deloitte Israel: Future of Retail-Tech Emerging Landscape in Israel

This article contains excerpts from Deloitte Israel, in partnership with Nielsen Innovate and Salesforce:

Retail is an industry in flux. Through our different roles as advisors, service providers, and investors, the authors of this report- Deloitte, Salesforce, and Nielsen Innovate- have seen our clients and collaborators struggle as the sector changes. This has driven us to evaluate the landscape and identify solutions needed to thrive in this new era of retail. In this report we will discuss what drives the flux, how it impacts retailers, and what resources are available to help them come out on top. We have mapped Israeli Retail-tech companies using latest technologies, and have looked at them through a solution-focused lens designed around retail and CPG challenges and business needs.

Leading Israeli Retail-Tech in In-store Optimization, Trax provides a visual recognition tool to monitor and manage product inventory on shelves.

The purpose of this report is solution-focused – to understand how to cope with the sector’s major shifts and to provide key players with the tools to thrive throughout their transformation.

Read the full report

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