As we end Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated from September 15 to October 15, we wanted to take a moment and recognize the traditions, celebrations and culture through our teammates and partners.

Although many Hispanic countries do not celebrate this cultural moment, it is a celebration to all those Hispanics that left their countries and arrived in the US. This is commemorated with the goal of celebrating Hispanic history, culture and even contribution to the growth of America. We at Trax are proud to celebrate with all our Hispanic employees, customers and partners. We celebrate each and everyone’s rich cultural background and support those that are proud of their roots. We asked our team members to share a little information about their heritage and what Hispanic Heritage Month means to them (and had a little fun with it too).  

  • Please, share with us your cultural background and what it means to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month? 

My mother’s side of the family is from Mexico and my father’s side is from Cuba. I grew up in a very Hispanic-centric city and for me, celebrating Hispanic Heritage month means allowing space to revisit my roots and indulge in my culture’s variety of dishes, desserts, music, and entertainment. I also enjoy educating friends and colleagues about various traditions and sharing my culture with those around me.
– Sam Alvarez, Sr. Associate; Integrated Marketing

I am Mexican-born and grew up in New Jersey. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month allows me to share my cultural background with friends and family. I love sharing recipes, cooking traditional dishes for my friends, and teaching my friends about my traditions.
– Maria Baez, Manager, Social & Content

As a first-generation Mexican American from Michoacán, celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month helps me honor my heritage, reflect on my ancestors’ sacrifices, and share the richness of Mexican culture. It’s a time to connect with my roots and celebrate the vibrant traditions that define my identity.
– Araceli Castaneda, Sr. Associate, Marketing

I am a proud Colombian American! Celebrating Hispanic Heritage month is an opportunity to spotlight on unique voices and experiences of Hispanic/Latino Americans including recognizing their journeys and influences in our community in the US. It is a celebration for all immigrants and their achievements as well a way to encourage younger generations and an opportunity to bring our community together.
– Olga Garcia, Director, Global Payroll & HR Operations

My family has a long and rich Hispano history rooted in a village that is now part of New Mexico. Growing up in Washington state, I learned and celebrated versions of traditionally Hispanic customs that were heavily influenced by American culture. For me, Hispanic Heritage month is a special time to intentionally connect with my heritage and my family’s story. Around this time of year, I also make my way down to the road to the National Museum of Mexican Art; the art they feature tells amazing stories of the Latin American diaspora that connect me to my heritage and inspire me to learn even more.
– John Sousa, Director, Operations 


  • Since we are talking about heritage, what is one Hispanic tradition you are very fond of? 

One Hispanic tradition that is new for my household, but I’ve grown quickly fond of, is setting up an ofrenda. It brings me joy to honor those in my circle who have passed away and creates that space to remember and celebrate them. I also always watch Coco around this time of year, with Abuelita’s hot chocolate! – Sam Alvarez, Sr. Associate; Integrated Marketing 

I’m very fond of Posadas, celebrated from December 16 to 24. This tradition reenacts Mary and Joseph’s search for shelter with carol-filled processions and festive gatherings featuring tamales and ponche, highlighting community and togetherness. – Araceli Castaneda, Sr. Associate, Marketing 

I love spending time with family during the holidays, especially during Christmas and New Years Eve. For example, we celebrate Día de las Velitas, or Day of the Little Candles which marks the beginning of Christmas in Colombia. As a family, we line the streets with thousands of tiny candles in homemade lanterns to light a path for Mary, the mother of Jesus, as she visits people’s homes. – Olga Garcia, Director, Global Payroll & HR Operations 

The Hispanic tradition I’m most proud of is our passion, creativity, and courage to take on challenges. We Hispanics can turn the impossible into possible, leaving a unique mark of brilliance in the way we do things. – Antonio Monckeberg, Grupo Ohla, Trax Partner 


  • What Hispanic brand would you want to see Trax partner with in the U.S? 

I’d love to see Goya as a Trax client. Their range of products can be found in many countries, from beans to spices, are staples in Hispanic cooking and would be a great addition. – Araceli Castaneda, Sr. Associate, Marketing 

I would love to see brands such as Colombina and Alpina as Trax clients. Both brands offer variety of Colombian products in different markets in the US. – Olga Garcia, Director, Global Payroll & HR Operations 


Juantonio tortilla chips are—without a doubt- the best tortilla chip sold in the US. They were the Pacific Northwest’s best kept secret (then known as Juanita’s) until a few years ago when their distribution footprint grew substantially. The tortilla chip industry is an insanely competitive business, and they could really benefit from our expertise in the category. – John Sousa, Director, Operations. 


  • What is your favorite Hispanic quote, advice or phrase? 

This is a quote from the Selena movie that resonated with me as a child. Growing up, I didn’t grow up in a household that spoke Spanish but many of my other family members only spoke Spanish. It was something I struggled with (and still do) — that feeling that I am not “Hispanic” enough. “Being Mexican American is tough. Americans jump all over you if you don’t speak English perfectly. Mexicans jump all over you if you don’t speak Spanish perfectly. Japanese Americans, Italian Americans, German Americans, their homelands are on the other side of the ocean, ours is right next door. And we gotta prove to the Mexicans how Mexican we are, and we gotta prove to the Americans how American we are. We gotta be more Mexican than the Mexicans, and more American than the Americans; both at the same time! It’s exhausting! Man, nobody knows how tough it is to be Mexican American.” – Sam Alvarez, Sr. Associate; Integrated Marketing 

My favorite Hispanic quote is “Si se puede” This affirmation means “It can be done” and was coined by Cesar Chavez, a Mexican American civil rights activist who advocated for migrant farm workers’ rights. I love that this quote of resiliency rings true whenever faced with a challenge or to stand up for their rights. – Maria Baez, Manager, Social & Content 

“Lo que no te mata te hace más fuerte.” – “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” This quote is a powerful reminder of resilience and personal growth. – Araceli Castaneda, Sr. Associate, Marketing 

Latinoamérica te enamora, which translates to “Latin America makes you fall in love”  – Antonio Monckeberg, Grupo Ohla 

Chilean poet Pablo Neruda is attributed to a powerful quotation that so often works both inside– and out- of the Hispanic story: they can cut all the flowers, but they cannot stop the spring. – John Sousa, Director, Operations 


  • If you could add any Hispanic brands to the Shopkick app, which one would it be? 

I would add Jarritos – I love that soda brand! – Sam Alvarez, Sr. Associate; Integrated Marketing 

It would be great to see Bimbo on the Shopkick app! The Bimbo brand is so familiar to Hispanic Americans and I think it would attract many Latin users to engage via Shopkick. Plus, I love their snacks. – Maria Baez, Manager, Social & Content 

I will be great to add Postobon to the Shopkick app. Postobon is the largest Colombian beverage company, and one of the largest in South America. – Olga Garcia, Director, Global Payroll & HR Operations 

Any Hispanic brands looking to grow in the United States are great candidates to use Shopkick. The U.S. market has plenty of opportunities, but it also comes with its challenges. Getting solid coverage of well-managed stores is tough and needs strategic partners with experience and national reach, like Grupo Ohla, along with innovative technologies like Shopkick. – Antonio Monckeberg, Grupo Ohla, Trax Partner 

De La Calle! Tepache is such an excellent beverage, and it deserves more exposure. I’ll never forget how seen I felt when I saw first De La Calle on a shelf and the joy I had introducing tepache to friends. I would love to see our app introduce so many others to the product—particularly if someone can find Pineapple Chili in stock! – John Sousa, Director, Operations 


These stories made us as a company and human richer than we were before. Trax likes to celebrate what makes each of us unique and knowing a little about each of our team members’ cultural identity and supporting them to express themselves and their culture. Sharing stories like the ones we can see above is what enriches us and makes our teams feel closer to each other. We look forward to continuing to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month and any other cultural celebration as well.